Table of Contents

Posting your progress updates

Post updates describing your progress regularly. Those who do this generally have the best success on the Marshall Protocol. When in doubt, post your questions in your progress thread so that others can provide you with support.

Why post updates?

In addition to logging in just to post progress to your own thread, there is a demonstrated value in regularly connecting in with our larger support community.

Aim for clarity, accuracy, and just the right amount of detail

How to post in your own progress thread

You will want to check to see that the post is displayed correctly.

When to post

The frequency of your posts should track with your current status. For example, new members just getting started, and those who are not managing their symptoms very well, often find that posting every few days can allow better support from our community.

Current Status Frequency Details
Getting started Every couple days When starting Benicar or any other new medication
Symptoms are stable Once a week During the initial stages of recovery
Immune response is changing Every couple of days As 25-DThe vitamin D metabolite widely (and erroneously) considered best indicator of vitamin D "deficiency." Inactivates the Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor. Produced by hydroxylation of vitamin D3 in the liver. is coming down from between 20 ng/mL to 12 ng/mL, or when experiencing what may be an over-exuberant stage five response
Stable w/o palliatives and 25-D is < 12 ng/mL Once a month Once symptoms are stable following the weaning of all palliatives and 25-D below 12 ng/mL
Initial weeks of a break from the protocol Every couple of days As hormonal adjustments commence at the start of a break from protocol dosing of olmesartanMedication taken regularly by patients on the Marshall Protocol for its ability to activate the Vitamin D Receptor. Also known by the trade name Benicar. , support is a very important key to success
Stable following major recovery of immune function Every 3 months Stage Five and beyond, when recovery of original concerns is near complete, but continuing on protocol for additional benefit
On a break or have discontinued the protocol Every 3-12 months As a participant in a long term study, your continued status when off the protocol is still an important part of our study data

For those who have reached that near recovery point, another excellent way to give back to this community is to take the time to provide support to those who are just getting started on their MP journey.

Your signature line

Maintaining an informative signature line benefits you and others supporting you. See: Signature line instructions.

Please try to keep your signature line up to date so that other members of our support community can best understand your situation and experience before responding to your posts.

Components of progress updates

Composing a detailed progress update may seem too overwhelming at the start, but breaking it into smaller bits of information can make the task easier. Then, once the basic format is created, each new update can be an edited copy of the last posted update, meaning less effort going forward. (Some find it helpful to print the following instructions and work from a paper copy.)

Rating of overall symptom level

Start each progress update with a single number rating your overall symptom level for this time period on a scale of 0-10.

This gives yourself and other readers a quick idea of what you have been experiencing (to help assess the tolerability of your symptoms). This overall number may be slightly different from your “highest” level ratings given in the symptom details listed down further into your update.

To help select a number, the following scale is provided: 1-3 = symptoms have been negligible, 4-6 = symptoms are tolerable, 7-9 = symptoms are intolerable, 10 = on the way to the hospital.

Overall symptom level: 6/10

Vitamin D metabolites testing history

When you have a new 25D test result be sure to update your signature line as well adding it to your 25D-testing history in the body of your progress update.

Include the following (if available):

PreMP D-metabolites: 1,25D=50 pg/mL, 25D=20 ng/mL Jul'09
25-D testing history: 17 ng/mL Oct'09, 14 ng/mL Jan'10, 10 ng/mL Apr'10, 6 ng/mL Jul'10

MP medications history

Include the following as appropriate:

MP start: Jul'09
Benicar/olmesartan breaks: Feb'10, Sep'10 (2 months)

Since early adopters were using antibiotics, this antibiotic history is of interest, even though antibiotics are no longer considered a key component for recovering immune function. For those that have used antibiotics taken at older protocol dosing, they may also add this history, including months on each. (abbreviations: M = minocycline; B = bactrim; C = clindamycin; D = demeclocycline)

Antibiotic history: M Aug-Oct'09, M+B Nov'09-Jan'10, M+C May-Jul'10, M Aug-Oct'10

Current Benicar/olmesartan dosing

Current Benicar/olmesartan dose & schedule, flagging any changes, and listing number of days at current dose/schedule as appropriate.

Benicar/olmesartan dosing:
Benicar/olmesartan 40mg every 6 hours (since Jul'09), trialed 20mg every 3 hours during recent acute bladder infection symptoms

Current palliative or other medications

List one medication/supplement usage per line (give purpose for item in parentheses following). For those weaning from steroids, please list total daily dose plus time of day and how much taken at each dose and please indicate number of days at current dose/schedule.

Palliative or other medication dosing:
Minocycline 50mg every 12 hours (last 3 days for acute infection)
Benedryl at bedtime last night (to help get to sleep after outing to movie)
Homeopathic dry eye drops at bedtime every evening last week (to soothe irritation)

Light exposure

List normal daily exposure, your response, and any unusual events during period. Sometimes this provides hints as to the cause of increased symptoms.

Light exposure:
Sunlight, 20 min.s during drive to/from work; covered, 2% NoIRsSpecial sunglasses worn by Marshall Protocol patients to block light., leather gloves, some face exposure
Indirect sunlight, 1 hour while sitting in shade 2 days ago, 10% NoIRs, covered, 6% zinc sunscreen
Watched movie in theater last night; forgot NoIRs (had hard time getting to sleep after)


List each symptom on a single line with severity first, then the symptom description. Note if they were constant or intermittent. List only those that are significant and recent. Indicate if they are tolerable or intolerable.

Rating them at their highest for the week shows how you are doing since symptoms should be tolerable at all times.

Symptoms: (severity on a scale of 1-10)
4 - Rash and itching on shins, constant, tolerable
6 - Joint pain in fingers, intermittent, tolerable
6 - Post-exertional fatigue, constant, tolerable
8 - Orthostatic intolerance, intermittent, kept tolerable by extra care when changing positions


Often it is helpful to provide some brief comments about any observations you have made about your symptoms, mood, or external situations affecting your sense of well-being.

Increased level of stress this past week due to a bladder infection. However, mood stayed good, which is an improvement.


Identify if you plan to keep things about the same or if you are considering any changes.

Will keep up frequent minocycline for a week and watch for signs of infection clearing or not.

New test results

List one test result per line and be sure to include the lab range. It is helpful to make some type of identifying mark on out range labs.

If posting all test results seems too overwhelming, is ok to only list the names of tests with “within-normal-limits” results.

New test results:
3 Hour Glucose Tolerance Test
Glucose, fasting = 88, (<95 mg/dL)
Glucose, 1H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 125, (<180 mg/dL)
Glucose, 2H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 102, (<155 mg/dL)
Glucose, 3H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 81, (<140 mg/dL)
(all results normal)


If you have any questions, include them at the end so they will be easier to find.

Non-urgent question format example:

Just wondering if anyone has tried minocycline for a bladder infection? If the symptoms return, are there other antibiotics that are compatible with the protocol I can ask my doctor about?

If you feel you have an urgent question, you might want to post it in bold, uppercase lettering. In addition, in a crisis situation you may send private messages to 2 or 3 members of the support team, asking for a timely response.

Urgent question format example:



Putting it all together

This is an example of an entire progress update in our suggested format that you can use as a template for your own posts.

Posting date: 20.Oct.2010
Overall symptom level: 6/10

PreMP D-metabolites: 1,25D=50 pg/mL, 25D=20 ng/mL Jul'09
25-D testing history: 17 ng/mL Oct'09, 14 ng/mL Jan'10, 10 ng/mL Apr'10, 6 ng/mL Jul'10

MP start: Jul'09
Benicar/olmesartan breaks: Feb'10, Sep'10 (2 months)
Antibiotic history: M Aug-Oct'09, M+B Nov'09-Jan'10, M+C May-Jul'10, M Aug-Oct'10

Benicar/olmesartan dosing:
Benicar/olmesartan 40mg every 6 hours (since Jul'09), trialed 20mg every 3 hours during recent acute bladder infection symptoms

Palliative or other medication dosing:
Minocycline 50mg every 12 hours (last 3 days for acute infection)
Benedryl at bedtime last night (to help get to sleep after outing to movie)
Homeopathic dry eye drops at bedtime every evening last week (to soothe irritation)

Light exposure:
Sunlight, 20 min.s during drive to/from work; covered, 2% NoIRs, leather gloves, some face exposure
Indirect sunlight, 1 hour while sitting in shade 2 days ago, 10% NoIRs, covered, 6% zinc sunscreen
Watched movie in theater last night; forgot NoIRs (had hard time getting to sleep after)

Symptoms: (severity on a scale of 1-10)
4 - Rash and itching on shins, constant, tolerable
6 - Joint pain in fingers, intermittent, tolerable
6 - Post-exertional fatigue, constant, tolerable
8 - Orthostatic intolerance, intermittent, kept tolerable by extra care when changing positions

Increased level of stress this past week due to family situation. However, mood stayed good, which is an improvement.

Will keep up frequent minocycline for a week and watch for signs of infection clearing or not.

New test results:
3 Hour Glucose Tolerance Test (2 weeks ago)
Glucose, fasting = 88, (<95 mg/dL)
Glucose, 1H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 125, (<180 mg/dL)
Glucose, 2H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 102, (<155 mg/dL)
Glucose, 3H post 100G GLUCOSE PO = 81, (<140 mg/dL)
(all results normal)

None, thank you.

Asking for a response

If you have an unanswered question that requires a timely response, you may send an email to our Admin Staff with a request for a reply in your progress thread.

Please include your screen name and a link to your progress thread in your email.

Taking a break or discontinuing the protocol

If you decide to take a break or stop the protocol, please post this in your progress thread so that we can include your current status in our study data. In particular what medications you were taking at the time you began to wean or stop the MP and the date that you ended your treatment.

As participant in a long term study, your continued status, whether on or off the protocol is an important part of study data.
Updates at least every 12 months are the most helpful. Your post-protocol updates will be very much appreciated, however, we do ask that you refrain from advocating or promoting any non-MP treatments in your posts on the forums. Think very far ahead and consider leaving information with that trusted person, the executor of your will, on how to post here to advise the Research team of your certified cause of death.

When you are no longer on the MP or are simply taking a break for a while, you are always welcome to post any questions you have regarding the Marshall Protocol and how it may apply to your current health situation.

see also

===== Notes and comments =====

Where to put this type of information about how to get responses to progress updates…?

I'll let you in on some ideas that may work…

If you join in the conversations over in the MP Lifestyles forums and others find what you write interesting, they may come over to your progress thread and post there. (Not a sure thing, but it does happen.)
If you get one of the members to reply to your post (by asking in a PM for help), then that member will start to get an email every time you post and that may bring them to a higher visibility.
If you have something going on and you want a reply, post in all CAPITAL LETTERS the question you need an answer to.

Place your questions in the last part of the post (search the MP KB for our preferred format using the keyword “usingforums”).

If your posts are long, or all the text is in a large block, this will prevent some from being able to read it. Use small paragraphs. (This note from me is an example of short paragraphs, more white space.)

Finally, you can keep your thread on the top of the list by posting a new entry that reads, “BUMP”.

Hope this helps, :) Joyful

. _Original Message_ From: … Date: 2012-07-02 11:13:08 Subject: Re: question post moved

Thanks. It just makes it feel like kind of a waste of time if no one comments. Especially when you post a progress update that is really bad and you are in crisis. But I didn't have specific questions. It would just be nice to see someone cares.

I did see there are a lot posting progress updates now also so I know that it is probably hard to respond to everybody.


Sallie Q 03.23.2016 added list of fonts to caution against copying from Word to MPSS

===== How to create your own progress thread =====

If you have not already created a progress thread, you will need to create one using the following steps.

  • In the subject line type your given name (and username) in the format shown in the example here:

Subject: Jim's updates (jjtop)

  • In the description line type any diagnosis you may have in the format shown in the example here:

Description: Sarcoidosis (lung, neuro), hypertension

  • In the body of your first post, you can share a little about how you found the MP and your experience to date on the protocol.
  • When your post is ready, click on green {Send} button (to the bottom right). (Please do not hit send twice, it will simply create double entries.)

You will want to check to see that the post is displayed correctly.

  • If you find the post needs a correction, click on the green {Edit} button along the top right of the post.</nodisp>