Main article: Talking about the Marshall Protocol with others
The following articles address some of the social and psychological challenges unique to the Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP).
Main article: Talking about the Marshall Protocol with others
Main article: Support groups
Main article: Concerns about contagiousness
Main article: Stress
Main article: Maintaining a proper attitude
The symptoms of mental immmunopathology include apathy, sluggishness, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog), feeling paralyzed by misery, anxiety and depression. Managing these symptoms of microbial die-off is a challenge, particularly when those symptoms are mental. For example, mental immunopathology can be difficult to recognize as such.
There are variety of ways to limit the discomfort of mental symptoms on the Marshall Protocol. These include restricting light, taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, and seeking out social and family support. Patients have also reported that a proper, if not always cheerful, attitude has allowed them to do the MP safely and effectively.